Lesewettbewerb Englisch 2024
Am 19.12.2024 traten die Klassensieger des englischen Vorlesewettbewerbs der 7. Klassen gegeneinander an.
Schulsiegerin wurde Sabina Beldurova, Klasse 7c, die das DBG im Februar/März beim mittelfränkischen Englisch-Lesewettbewerb an der Uni Erlangen vertreten wird. Wir gratulieren ihr ganz herzlich und drücken ihr die Daumen für den Wettbewerb in Erlangen!
Meet our teaching assistant: Mallory Wooldridge
In den USA studierte unsere Fremdsprachenassistentin Mallory Wooldridge an der Murray State University Geschichte, Spanisch und Deutsch und durfte dann an der Universität Regensburg ihre Forschungsarbeit zum Thema Stasi und Menschenrechtsverletzung anschließen. Seit diesem Schuljahr arbeitet Mallory an unserem Gymnasium und der Realschule Zirndorf und bietet den Schülern aus den 6., 8. und 10. Klassen sowie den Englisch-Konversationskursen der Oberstufe vielfältige motivierende Gelegenheiten, ihre Sprechfertigkeit mit einer englischsprachigen Muttersprachlerin zu üben.
Neben der Unterstützung im alltäglichen Unterrichtsgeschehen arbeitet Mallory mit den Klassen an verschiedenen Projekten, u. a. dem „My favourite place project“ mit der Klasse 6f von Frau Albrecht. Die Klasse 6g von Frau Posch führte mit Mallory ein Interview und erfuhr so allerhand Spannendes über unsere Fremdsprachenassistentin. Hier ist eine Auswahl der Fragen der Klasse.
What are your hobbies?
I enjoy reading, writing, and running. Additionally, I’ve started to become a “plant person” since moving to Germany. I’m not sure how much of a “green thumb” I have, (I still have plenty to learn) but I love going to the store and choosing between all the colorful, various flowers and other plants.
What’s your favorite film?
One of my favorite movies of all time is The Sound of Music. I used to watch it every time I spent the night at my grandmother’s house as a kid. Because of my love of the movie, one of the first places I traveled to when I studied in Germany was Salzburg so I could reenact all of my favorite scenes!
Where do you live in Germany?
I live in Nuremberg and commute to Oberasbach and Zirndorf to work at the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium and the Staatliche Realschule Zirndorf, respectively.
What do you like most about Germany?
There are so many things I like about Germany, but I especially enjoy the widespread use of public transportation. Where I’m from in Kentucky (and for most Americans) the only practical way to get around is with a car. In contrast to the US, I appreciate the accessibility of public transportation and how, in combination with “walkable” cities, travel in many parts of Germany is relatively simple. This city design contributes to a more “human-friendly” landscape that centers communal spaces, creating a more inviting environment.
What’s your favorite city in Germany?
This is a hard one, but I have to say Heidelberg. I had the wonderful opportunity to study German there last summer, and I fell in love with the city during my time there. I made so many wonderful friends and fondly remember our time spent walking the Philosophenweg or grabbing a coffee on the Hauptstraße.
What is the best city in the USA?
I have to confess that I haven’t been to most of the American cities that many Germans think of when they imagine the US (New York, LA, Miami, Houston, etc.). That being said, one of my favorite places in America is a vacation spot I’ve visited nearly every year since I was a child: Kiawah Island in South Carolina. The island is known for its beaches and is a popular destination for golfers. A perfect day for me would be relaxing on the shore, waves at my feet, and a book in my hand.
Have you ever seen a bear?
Luckily not! I’ve been on several hikes in “bear area” (most notably in Yellowstone), but have never run into one in the wild.
Have you ever read Harry Potter?
Yes! I loved Harry Potter as a kid and first read the series in eighth grade when I borrowed the books from my older brother. Because I’m still a kid at heart, when I visited London this past year I went on a Harry Potter tour of the city. The magic of the series continues to live on within me nearly a decade later.